Let the catch up begin!
We headed out to Grand Rapids for Father's Day because most of the brood was out there to celebrate Jenna's baby dedication. We spent the night at the DeKorne's house on Saturday night. We thought we'd take a quick shot of the daddy's and the girls before we left. Don't the kids look great?
They are really happy most of the time.
We then headed to meet the Dads for breakfast. We had a great meal at the Red Geranium and then we were off to the Zoo! It was Isla's first trip to the zoo, so it was especially exciting for us.
We were so excited in fact, that we neglected to put on her shoes.
But, its Grand Rapids. The Zoo is WAY cleaner than the Detroit Zoo, right?
Poppy was a champ that day.
He was carrying or pulling at least 2 children at all times.
All the dads and the little babies (except for Jenna, she was napping)
This picture brings tears to my eyes.
They love their Poppy.
My sweet daddy with 3 of the 4 girls.
Wuzzle couldn't make it and was devastated to miss a day with all 5 kids.
9 adults, 5 kids, 3 strollers, 1 wagon and a partridge in a pear tree.
Father's Day Part 1 was a success.
And on to Father's Day Part II. Although it is not easy, we spend many holidays splitting time between families. Its certainly getting more difficult with more kids, but for now, it has kept everyone happy. We came back home and the Borowicz crew came over to celebrate Father's Day. It was so great to be home except, well, it was really hot. Not just outside, inside too. Unreasonably hot. Awesome. The air conditioner is broken. This left us doing this for the remainder of the day.
Trying not to move because it was so hot.
We headed outdoors where it was cooler (seriously) and grabbed a cute shot of the daddies.
Isla was really hot, so she just rocked a diaper for the rest of the day.
Our girl loves her daddy.
We are so grateful for so many wonderful Daddies in our lives.