Thursday, March 31, 2011

From the Hospital

He's here!  Well, he's been here for about three weeks now, but you know that I'm slow to blog.  I wish I could be like some of my friends who update from the delivery room, but I'm just not there yet.  Maybe with my third kid.  

So my due date came and went, but the Lord was totally faithful and brought the baby in His way and perfect timing.  After 2 nights of contractions, but nothing enough to send me into labor, we arrived bright and early at the hospital at 6:00 a.m. (ish) on Tuesday morning for my C-section.  The only other person in the waiting room was my sweet mom.  She beat us there.  Can you tell where we get the big eyes from?

After being "under the knife" and lots of anesthetic for about 20 minutes, Dave and I rendered our final guess as to the sex of our second little miracle...we both guessed girl.  After all, I have three sisters and boys are kind of rare in my family.  We were both wrong.  And so were a lot of other people (some who even had to return things.)  

I'll never forget his face when Dave looked at the baby then looked back at me and said,
Its a boy!

Cruz Joseph
Our first family picture

Family and friends gathered from near and far to see the new coconut...

From the Center of Byron
From the Shores of St. Clair
More from the Shores of the East Side
(I might also add that my Aunt Linda's record remained in tact as she accurately 
guessed boy at the 4:00 a.m. final call)
and one from the Royal Oak
 From the Hills of Bloomfield
 and from the most Grand of Rapids.

And that was just in the first wave of visitors.  The doctor and hospital staff had never seen a family with so many visitors (except for when Isla was born.)

 The World's Greatest Sorority (plus my cousin Michelle) held a special meeting to take notice of the new little miracle.

We had some evening visitors too 
from the Lake of Sylvan
 a celebrity guest appearance straight from the Courtroom that all the nurses were buzzing about
 and out-of-state visitors from Ohio, including
Great Grandpa John.
It was a spectacular sight to all who came.

including the proud big sister.

We are totally in love with our new little dude.
Don't worry, if you didn't make it to the hospital.  We love you anyway.

At last...

My love has come along...
(and I'm blogging about it 3 weeks later)

Cruz Joseph 
born March 8, 2011
8:44 a.m.

We still can't believe its a boy!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm too lazy to go upstairs to upload pictures

Was that too honest of a title?

Well, thanks to all those who prayed for a good February for us.  We were ALL healthy and had a great month.  Dave has Isla's new bedroom almost done and she seems excited to move in.  We won't be moving her immediately, but her enthusiasm is encouraging.  Isla's most cute things as of late, "I got it! I did it!" in this really cute sing songy voice.  She loves to count and she constantly points out letters and says "ABC's."  We went to see Sesame Street Live with a bunch of Isla's cousins and she LOVED it!  I've always kind of been a hater of taking kids to things when they are too young to remember, but I will never forget the look on her face when Elmo walked on to that stage.  It was like a Jimmy Buffett concert for kids (and of course minus the inappropriate outfits and beverages.)  She is also really in to taking care of her baby and Buckle Bear.  She feeds them, watches shows with them and even changes their diapers every once in a while.  She does not allow them in her crib...she has her standards.

Dave is the healthiest person I know.  My sweet (and sweet lookin') dude makes us new flavors of smoothies and we are loving it.  Going to the grocery store and looking for leafy greens just makes my heart melt.  He just started back with P90X.  By the time summer comes, I'll have to beat the ladies off of him.

I'm still pregnant.  I was due yesterday, but our newest little coconut seems pretty comfortable inside.  I had a rough day today with being sick.  The doc thinks its probably a touch of the flu (apparently the flu shot I got doesn't apply to the stomach flu.)  I had an ultrasound today and the baby looks great with a heart rate around 140.  They estimate the baby's current weight at 7 lbs., 10 oz., but who really knows.  Because I've previously had a C-Section, I can't be induced.  My docs don't want me to go past 41 weeks, so if I don't have the baby by Monday, I'll have a C-Section bright and early on Tuesday morning.  We feel totally blessed to have a healthy looking baby and pregnancy.  Thanks for all of your prayers and support.  When I'm feeling less lazy, I'll post some pictures....but not of me. :)