Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Quarter til Christmas

My birthday happens to be on the same day as the Autumnal Equinox (the first official day of Fall). Fall also happens to be my favorite season because I love all the colors, smells, clothes and food that are associated with it. Another reason to love fall, right after the Halloween decorations go down, the Christmas decorations go up. I love Christmas. Fortunate that we live only an hour and a half from the Christmas mecca, a/k/a Frankenmuth. Dave and I decided to go there to celebrate my birthday and to introduce Isla to the best fried chicken around. The following day, we went to Dave's parents to celebrate by eating burgers and cupcakes! It was a great weekend of eating and shopping.

Fried chicken is well worth the wait

Hoping that Isla will stay on the "nice" list for Santa

No, I didn't eat them all (but I wanted to)

My sweet cousin Katie is pregnant and due in January. The family got together to celebrate and throw a baby shower for her. We also tried to get all of the kids in a picture...only partially successful.

Katie is in the middle
Carrie (left) is due in October and Dana (right) is due in November

Isla got her second shot this past Monday. She weighed in at 13.6 pounds and screamed through the whole appointment (can't say I blame her after waiting naked in a cold room to see the doctor for 45 minutes). Isla has pretty much outgrown her bassinet forcing me to move her to her crib to spend the night all by herself. Sad for me, but she seems to be coping quite well.

Just 86 more days until Christmas...but who's counting!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Suit Up

A war wound on my elbow from kickball

#1 fan

Its game time sports fans! The fall is officially here (although the weather has been here since the spring) and that means one thing...Football...and lots of it. Dave hosted his Fantasy Football Draft here at THE Dorm on Wednesday night. Dave did all of the cooking. Those who were in attendance got to enjoy Jack's pizza for appetizer, followed by Jet's Pizza for dinner and finished off with Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies for dessert. It went over far better than any dinner party I've ever hosted.

Friday was kickball. That's right, kickball. An adult sport that even those with no athletic ability whatsoever can play. We've been playing with the Shaggers for 3 years now and I have yet to play one game without making a complete fool of myself. We started off our season opener by winning both of our games. Isla was a champ during the double header and had her Mini Shagger onesie on to support the team. If you look closely at the picture above you can see where I scraped up my arm by sliding into first base. Come to find out from my personal kickball coach (Dave), I made 3 errors: 1) You never slide into first base. 2) If you do slide, you should go feet first. 3) You probably never need to slide for kickball. To add insult to injury (literally), I was called out. So much for my sweet moves.

Saturday was a big day. Michigan State vs. Central Michigan. We went to E. Lansing and met up with a few of our Shagger teammates. The Spartans suffered an embarrassing loss. Turns out the Chips have a lot more tricks in their bag than we anticipated.

Today we went to church, came home, and, you guessed it, watched football for the rest of the day. I'd like to write more, but I have a Bears game to watch and popcorn to eat.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Oh How the Years Go By

Loves sleeping while cruising

Have Bumbo, Will Travel

Last week, Dave and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary. We have been together for 9 years total, and I still feel so lucky to have such a hot and loving dude for a husband. Looking back we have been through so much together. We have lost loved ones, gained friends, produced a child and been to more Buffett concerts than I can count!

We finally got to experience a little bit of summer weather last weekend. A big thanks to my dad for cruising over to Canada in order to get us into water that was at least 70 degrees :)

An intense game of water baseball

3 Years and going strong

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Catching Up

Since my last post, my heart has been on the mend. To all of you who called, texted, sent cards, e-mails or cupcakes, thank you. It gets a little easier everyday, but I don't think I'll ever stop missing my sweet Henna.

Instead of staying home and wallowing in self-pity, we decided to hit the road. Over the past three weeks we've been at two cottages up north (DeKorne's and Fezzey's), Megan's apartment in Chicago, and a Buffett Concert in Wisconsin. Thank goodness for good times with good friends.
Also in the news, Isla had her first shot and her first bite on Monday. We're hoping that she'll hit 13 pounds any time now :)
Such a champ, she didn't even cry!
Mmmmm, Rice Cereal
The DeClOomaWicz Family
(do we all have sweet hair or what?)

Despite some unfavorable weather, we were able to manage a weenie roast, a "tot run," some homeade doghnuts and wings, an afternoon of jet skiing, a Buffett Concert in the rain and some late nite pizza in Chicago. I guess that means we are comforted by food and boat drinks. Fins Up!